Faces of Ethiopia

Faces of Ethiopia
"Faces of Ethiopia" (picture from Buckner.org)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, April 25 Update

Hello to all!

Last Wednesday, we had a meeting with the mission team and our trip coordinator Chris Cato came to visit. We discussed the glitches that are taking place within their financial/administration systems that is causing a problem. As some of you may have noticed, our goal is rising on the Buckner page, but this is being done due to most donations being doubled in their system. No money has been withdrawn twice, it is just showing up twice on our accounts. So our new goal will probably be twice the old one, 7240 apiece. I will try to keep that updated as best as I can, but I will also be blogging weekly updates to let you know how we are doing. So while we are on the topic. Of the 7240 combined, Kristy and I have raised 2035. We have to be up to 3620 by Friday the 29th. If you are interested and can help please go to http://donate.bucknerfoundation.org/claygrubbs or http://donate.bucknerfoundation.org/kristygrubbs to donate.

Another great way to help out is through a great friend of ours, Chelsea Owens. She has been so kind to donate the proceeds from her Scentsy sales to help for our trip. We are so thankful that she and my sister Codi came up with this idea. Her website is at https://chelseaowens.scentsy.us/Buy/SetupPrompt. If you go there, just click on "Join Party" by Clay and Kristy's name and shop away!

On May 7, we will have another fundraiser in the form of a garage sale at the church. The church and leadership team are excited to help us out. We will have the garage sale inside the gymnasium for a controlled atmosphere garage sale! We will have larger items and signage placed outside to attract business. We are teaming up with the Mega Sports Camp directors to raise funds for our trips and the summer camp. So please make plans to come by and attend if you can.

Again, we are so appreciative of all the blessings we have received over the last few months as we have planned and readied ourselves for this trip. We are so grateful to have the family and friends that we have that are helping us through this. But most of all we want to praise God for this opportunity. He is so good!

Thank You ALL!!!

Clay and Kristy

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